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Each year, 1,200 Texas youths run away from their foster care homes, are made to leave, or become homeless from aging out of the foster care system.​ HOYLE-LTC gives young adult women a safe space to obtain their education after having come from these types of circumstances.

This nonprofit housing is not like transitional housing or a homeless shelter!

The difference is that we will provide a safe "dorm-like" atmosphere and connect students to educational opportunities and communities. ​​


If you are a young woman/female between the ages of 18 and 21, and you have:

  • Aged out of foster care (emancipation) in the state of Texas, or...

  • Were rescued from a human trafficking or sex trafficking situation by a rescue organization or collaboration (whether you have been a part of the foster care system or not) in the state of Texas...

...our organization will aid you with the tools, supplies, and resources you need to succeed! You can apply to our ForwardStar Program to assist you in getting started on your career plan while living in a dorm-style managed home as a student to have a place to stay during your educational journey.


The application is available on this site, but we will not begin to accept applicants until the end of August, 2024, for the fall semester. This is our Pilot Year! Our foundational year! There may be other programs that start sooner, but it is all dependent on the program chosen.

A message to all donators, grantors, and sponsors:

We need your help to assist us in obtaining a house/dorm/building for these beneficiaries! If there is anyone who can donate a new home or building, a well-maintained older home or building, or assist us in the purchase of either of these, any assistance will be greatly appreciated! Donations are needed to build this foundation to assist these young women, and we are hoping to reach our milestone goal by the end of October this year (2024), so that we can prepare the home for intake by end of fall to begin in the spring semester of 2025. In doing so, we can have them housed and settled in before their classes begin. Preparation would include inspections, sales processes, deliveries and set up of furnishings, supplies, clothing donations, food, beds and linens, and so on.


"If there is knowledge you can share that can lift someone to higher ground and give them awareness they previously did not have, be willing to share that knowledge freely! It doesn't mean that you are trying to prove anything or that you are smarter than them. It simply means you care enough to enlighten them in such a way that it may assist them at some point on their life's journey!


Give people the gift of knowledge and awareness in order to help them make informed decisions!"

Judy F. Hoyle

Founder & President

Help HOYLE-LTC assist young adult women who are emancipated (former) foster care beneficiaries or that have been rescued from human trafficking by an organization or law enforcement agency in the state of Texas, that are aged 18-21, in getting an education and starting on a new career journey!


A registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit

EIN:  92-1023029

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Thank you so much for your interest!


Miznazi, Ashley Aug 2022. "Foster kids who age out of the system in Texas face new challenges as young adults." The Texas Tribune.

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